Posts tagged bajacalifornia
PART TWO: Lizards and Snakes and Bugs, Oh MY!

Mr. NY was now ready to pick up the snake and guess what? Yup, he picked the snake up 4 inches from his tail, the wrong end, and the snake awoke snapping mad, flailing and lashing out. We were all screaming. The long pliers were working but barely keeping the 3 foot long snake within the 4 foot long broom handle porting of the giant pliers.

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Cabo's Biggest Visitors

“Moms are very protective of their calves and will fight to the death if a stray Killer whale sneaks into our safe waters wanting the easy prey of a young calf. Mom will battle to the end. To witness such a sight is overwhelming with the piercing high-pitched squeals and steady pounding of ‘fluke slapping’ using her 20 foot flipper churning up the water and her flailing body between her baby and the Orca. You hold your breath so long wanting her to win but when the water finally settles down, you never really know the outcome but hope to God Mom won.”

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To catch a fish the New Yorker way

“The grouper was not having anyone assault him like this so immediately dove down, and down some more into the depths of the salty sea. Kenny was stuck inside his gill and unable to fight his way free from the grouper and was dragged deeper under the water. This fight was on and from the shoreline Mike was watching in horror and shock at the scene worried that Kenny might be drowning before his eyes.”

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