My interview with Andrea Kelly

I had an interview with “Your Best Being”. We talked about my book, and the adventure I went through to find my own voice.

“Your Best Being” talk about anything that can help you towards becoming the best version of yourself. I invite you to listen to the Podcast! Enjoy it!

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Debra Kelly
Hunka Hunka Burning Junk

The lonely brown station wagon was parked along the main street beside a small Zapateria. The car had a $ sign neatly painted in white peeking out the back window. It had that ‘freshly cleaned’ look even with the sand blasted side panels. The store was overflowing with neatly aligned shoes, on narrow shelves lining all four walls reaching the ceiling. Remarkably, there was cellophane wrapped tightly around every single shoe, and only the left shoe was displayed. I did wonder why these shoes had coverings yet the local grocery store didn’t bother to wrap their mounds of unrefrigerated meat?

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Debra KellyComment
PART TWO: Lizards and Snakes and Bugs, Oh MY!

Mr. NY was now ready to pick up the snake and guess what? Yup, he picked the snake up 4 inches from his tail, the wrong end, and the snake awoke snapping mad, flailing and lashing out. We were all screaming. The long pliers were working but barely keeping the 3 foot long snake within the 4 foot long broom handle porting of the giant pliers.

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